


キーワード 鉄道事業,規模の経済性,SCE
著者 経修 青山学院大学経営学部教授
学博 岩手県立大学総合政策学部講師
概要 政府は鉄道経営の効率化と利用者保護との調和を目指して,鉄道事業に対する規制政策の基本的な枠組みを検討してきた.1998年には運輸政策審議会諮問16号への答申が出されたが,そこにおいては交通産業の成熟化,モード間競争の激化によって交通運輸分野における自然独占性が消失しつつあり,それ故に例えば鉄道事業においても政府規制(特に参入退出規制)の必要性が薄れていることが指摘されている.しかし,自然独占性の程度が,鉄道会社や路線によってどのように変化してきたのかについては,まだ十分な分析がなされていない.上記の答申にもある通り,自然独占性の濃淡によっては鉄道事業への規制は一律に行われるのではなく,各社ごとあるいは路線ごとに形成される市場の特性に応じて行われるべきとも考えられる.本研究は,企業別・路線別の規模の経済性を計測することで大手私鉄各社の直面する市場特性を客観的に把握し,もって現在進められている鉄道政策の方向性に対して評価・提言を行うことを目的としている.
掲載記事PDF 冊子版:15号


Title A Study on the Market Characteristics of the Railway Industry and Its Implications for Transport Policy -A Measurement of Economies of Scale by Companies and by Routes-
Keywords railway industry, economies of scale, SCE
Authors IGUCHI, Norio
Abstract In recent years, the Ministry of Transport(MOT)has reviewed the framework of regulatory policies for the railway industry, so that the efficient management of railway companies may become consistent with the protection of benefits for passengers. In 1998, the Council for Transport Policy in MOT responded to deliberation No. 16; The guideline for the arrangement of conditions concerning abolition of the regulation of market entry in the transport industries. In this response,the Council argued that the characteristic of natural monopoly has been disappearing in the transport industries because of both the maturity of the market and the intensive competition among the various transport modes, and concluded that it becomes less necessary to regulate the market entry. However, it is doubtful that the characteristic of natural monopoly are uniformly disappearing by companies or by routes. The railway companies should be respectively regulated according to the market characteristics formed around those companies or routes. In this paper, we measure the economies of scale of the railway industry by companies and by routes. As a result of measurement, we evaluate the market characteristics surrounding each company quantitatively, and classify companies and routes based on their characteristics, and discuss implications for transport policy.