キーワード | 用地取得,住民合意,ドイツの制度,事業化プロセス |
著者 | 博(工学) 武蔵工業大学環境情報学部講師 前(財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所研究員 室田昌子 |
概要 | 我が国の公共事業での用地取得で特に難航化するケースで確認される「事業の必要性」や「自然環境への影響や土地利用の合理性」,「周辺の環境対策」への反対や不満について,ドイツの制度での住民合意の形成方法という観点から,連邦長距離道路の事業プロセス制度の分析を行った.ドイツでは,事業プロセスの段階ごとに決定理由となる根拠データが公開され,段階別に異なる合意形成方法が設定されていること,用地取得の正当性と効率性向上を図る上で計画確定手続きが重要な役割を担っていること,計画確定手続きは全ての利益を集中的に調整し,併せて排除効によって計画の安定性と効率化を図る仕組みであることを指摘し,我が国での計画確定手続きの導入の提案と課題を論じた. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:26号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Improving the System of Land Acquisition for Public Works in Japan Aimed at Consensus Building Among Residents -A Comparison With German National Autobahn Projects System- |
Keywords | land purchase, residents participation, German legal system, progress system of public project |
Authors | MUROTA, Masako |
Abstract | There are many instance of community opposition to land acquisition for public works in Japan. Such opposition is commonly about false necessity of the projects, damage of natural environment and land use, and lack of counter measure to minimize the environmental impact in surrounding areas. This paper analyzes the system of consensus building among residents in German national autobahn projects. The German system has four-steps of consensus building and decision. Each step has the systems of information disclosure and exchange of opinions. Decision procedure for finalizing the plan has the most important role to play for consensus building in public work projects, particularly for the smooth execution of land acquisition. In German system, all benefits should be adjusted, and decision procedure for finalizing the plan should go through official announcement and public inspection and hearing. This information includes effects and measures of works on each inhabitant. This system also guarantees stability and efficiency of the plan. This paper proposed adoption of this system and discussed problems |
J-stage |