キーワード | 都市鉄道,整備手法,活用促進,都市鉄道等利便増進法 |
著者 | 前財団法人運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所研究員 横田 茂 |
概要 | 近年,都市鉄道の政策課題としては,これまでの「量的整備(輸送力増強)」に加え,「質的整備(利便性向上)」の重要性も指摘されるようになり,また,再開発等による都市構造の変化によって生じる新たな問題も発生している.本研究では,これらの政策課題の解決に向けて,都市鉄道等利便増進法に注目し,同法の活用促進に向けた研究を行った.具体的には,同法の適用事業の関係者(地方自治体,整備主体,営業主体)に対するヒアリング調査結果から得られた意見を踏まえて,制度全般の視点ならびに各関係者の視点から,制度の使いやすさを向上させるための課題を整理した上で,それらの課題解決に向けた検討ならびに提言を行った. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:58号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | A Study on How to Promote the Utilization of the Subsidy Scheme for Urban Railways: Focused on “Act on Enhancement of Convenience of Urban Railways, etc.” |
Keywords | Key Words : urban railway, subsidy scheme, utilization, Act on Enhancement of Convenience of Urban Railways, etc. |
Authors | YOKOTA, Shigeru |
Abstract | As one of the key policy issues for the improvement of urban railways, it has been realized in recent years that“qualitative development(improvement of convenience)”should also be focused on in addition to“quantitative development(increase of transport capacity)”. This study focuses on the utilization of the subsidy scheme law“Act on Enhancement of Convenience of Urban Railways, etc.”in order to address these policy issues. This study conducted interviews with the stakeholders of currently being implemented projects under this law(local governments, railway infrastructure holders, and railway operators). Considering diverse opinions about desirable or undesirable aspects of the law as pointed out during the interviews, problems for the utilization of the law by each stakeholder’s point of view are listed, and the measures to solve these problems are suggested. |
J-stage |