キーワード | 国際海上コンテナ貨物,インターモーダル輸送,鉄道貨物,潜在需要 |
著者 | 工学博士(財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所前主任研究員 ((財)鉄道総合技術研究所輸送情報技術研究部交通計画研究室主任研究員) 厲 国権 |
概要 | 経済・産業のグローバリゼーションの進展により,国際海上コンテナ貨物量の増加,輸送市場構造の変化,港湾間及び海運業者間競争等がもたらされている.それゆえに,国際海上コンテナ貨物を合理的かつ効率的に輸送することが求められ,港湾間の連携や海運業者のアライアンスと再編が進められている.一方,国際海上コンテナ貨物の国内における輸送は,トラック輸送に過度に依存している.交通事故,渋滞,環境問題等の原因になり得ることもあり,この非効率輸送の問題が指摘されている. 本論文では,国際海上コンテナ貨物の国内陸上輸送を対象に,その状況及び問題点を整理するとともに,荷主の陸上輸送機関の選択要因を分析し,国際海上コンテナ貨物の陸上インターモーダル輸送システムの必要性と実現可能性について検討する.また,海外の港湾で行われている鉄道と海運の連携を紹介し,鉄道を利用した国際海上コンテナ貨物の輸送に関する対策を考察する. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:29号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | A Study on the Construction of Surface Intermodal Transport System for International Container Freight |
Keywords | International Container Freight, Intermodal Transport, Railway Freight, Distribution of Potential Demand |
Authors | LI, Guoquan |
Abstract | With the global growth of economy and industry, international freight transport has become more and more important. In the meantime, containerization of international freight is the strong trend. Many sea shipping companies have introduced the large- sized vessels. How to collect these freight from factories and delivery them to customers efficiently and quickly, and environmentally, will directly impact not only on the enterprise's competitiveness, but also on the port efficiency and its position of world. Of course, many factors are related to port strategies. This study focuses on the surface transport connecting international container freight with railway. The objective is to show the possibility of intermodal freight transport including railway even in Japan. Firstly, this paper analyses the situations and relevant issues in surface transport of international container freight. The necessities to construct an efficient surface transport system for these freights are discussed. And then, reasons about customers choosing the modes are investigated. Based on the distribution of freight at home, it is found that there are potential demands suitable for railway. As the preliminary stage, this study describes the possibility for constructing the intermodal transport system by railway for international container freight. Also some oversea situations are comparatively analysed. Finally, Some relevant measures for the system are proposed. |
J-stage |