キーワード | スーパー中枢港湾,コンテナ荷主経路選択構造,トランシップ,フィーダー航路 |
著者 | 博士(工学)国土交通省港湾局計画課港湾計画審査官 元(財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所主任研究員 古市正彦 |
概要 | 本研究は,スーパー中枢港湾育成の鍵となるコンテナ貨物の集約に向けて,日本発着の国際コンテナ貨物を対象に直行航路と釜山港経由のフィーダー航路との競合関係を定量的に分析し,荷主のコンテナ輸送経路選好意識を明らかにした.そのうえで,単に日本発着の国際コンテナのうち釜山港経由貨物を中枢港に回帰させるだけに留まらず,中国等の第三国の貨物を積極的に取り込んでいくための重要なツールとなる可能性を秘めている内航・外航連続型フィーダー航路を提案するとともに,その実現に向けて今後取り組むべき課題について明らかにした. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:31号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Proposing Combined Domestic and International Pendulum Feeder Services through the Super-Hub Ports in Japan |
Keywords | super-hub ports, container shipper's route choice preferences, transshipment, feeder route |
Authors | FURUICHI, Masahiko |
Abstract | This study primarily focuses on how to attract maritime container cargo on to the Super-Hub Ports (Tokyo-Yokohama, NagoyaYokkaichi and Osaka-Kobe) in Japan. Shipper's route choice preferences were quantitatively analyzed among various maritime container routes such as direct routes to/from Japan and transshipment routes through Busan Port. As both domestic and international feeder container networks were summarized in and around Japan, we have found that the combined domestic and international pendulum feeder services can be afforded in the regional container ports where only a small demand is available. Consequently, we proposed the combined domestic and international pendulum feeder services through the Super-Hub Ports in order to effectively attract more container demand to/from Japan as well as East Asia. |
J-stage |