キーワード | 容積率規制の緩和,集積の経済,道路交通量,費用便益分析 |
著者 | Ph.D.国際基督教大学国際関係学科教授 八田達夫 博(経済学)富山大学経済学部助教授 唐渡広志 |
概要 | 都市生産の基盤である都心のオフィスビジネスには集積の経済がある.このため,都心のオフィスビルの容積率規制を緩和して,オフィス集中を促進すると生産性が高まる.その一方で,企業集積は道路交通混雑に代表される外部不経済をも生み出す.本研究では,東京都23区のデータを利用して,容積率規制の緩和によって得られる便益とそれにともなって発生する道路交通量増大効果の計測を行う.千代田区において容積率規制水準を2倍にまで引き上げる緩和を行なうとき,オフィス用途に利用できる容積率は1,500%までとし,残りを住宅用途に割り当てるという政策を想定して分析を行う.分析により,生産性の上昇による便益は6,492[億円/年](都民所得の1.27%),道路交通量の増大による費用は692.3[億円/年](都民所得の0.13%)となり,便益から費用を差し引いた金額は5,799.7[億円/年](都民所得の1.13%)となる. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:35号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Determination of the benefit and the effect of traffic increase by deregulation of building Floor to Area Ratio in the center of a city |
Keywords | deregulation of Floor to Area Ratio, agglomeration economy, road traffic, cost-benefit analysis |
Authors | HATTA, Tatsuo KARATO, Koji |
Abstract | Office business operations in the center of a city have the urban agglomeration economy. Therefore, Deregulated the building Floor to Area Ratio (FAR) in the center of a city, the greater the density of office working population and the greater the productivity of office operations. On the other hand concentration of office-firm cause the external diseconomy typified in road traffic congestion. This study determines the benefit and the effect of road traffic increase by deregulation of FAR, using the data of Tokyo 23 special wards. To be concrete our analysis, on the policy assumption that office building FAR have limited use until 1500% and the remaining FAR assign the housing space, deregulated of FAR in Tokyo Chiyoda-ward. The results of this study are that benefit from productivity increasing is 649.2 [billion per year] (1.27% of prefecture income), cost form road traffic increasing is 69.23 [billion per year] (0.13% of prefecture income), and that the value which deduct the cost from benefit is 579.97 [billion per year] (1.13% of prefecture income). |
J-stage |