キーワード | 空港,航空管制,民営化,公営企業 |
著者 | 慶應義塾大学商学部教授 (財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所客員研究員 中条 潮 慶應義塾大学商学部助教授 伊藤規子 |
概要 | 本稿は英国とオーストラリアの空港民営化およびニュージーランドの管制の公有商業会社化を紹介することによって,航空下部構造の民営化・商業会社化が価格の低下と投資の拡大を含む良好な成果をもたらすと考えられることを示す.また,民営化・商業会社化を日本で実行するためには,内部補助システムを排除し,思い切った規制緩和を実行し,経営の自由度を保証することが必要であることを述べる. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:1号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Privatization of airport and air traffic control |
Keywords | airport, air traffic control, privatization, public enterprise |
Authors | Ushio CHUJO and Noriko ITO |
Abstract | A new perspective stressing the value of privatization and allowing for market mechanism in the public sector has been advanced, especially in the field of air transport infrastructure (airport and air traffic control services) where privatization or commercialization has been achived in some countries. Overall slow economic growth and the fact that the basic infrastructure has been completed allow the focus to shift from the government initiative to the market. The article shows relatively good performance of privatised airports in the UK and in Australia and commercialized air traffic control services in New Zealand. Also shows the article that elimination of cross-subsidy system and deregulation in the air transport sector is indispensable in order to privatise air transport infrastructure in Japan. |
J-stage |