キーワード | 運賃弾力化,都市鉄道,ロンドン地下鉄 |
著者 | 博工(工学) (財)運輸政策研究機構調査室調査役 金子 雄一郎 |
概要 | 本論文は都市鉄道における運賃弾力化の方法や課題について,既存の実施事例をもとに検討するものである.具体的には従来から家族や週末など利用者層や利用時間帯に応じた弾力的な運賃設定を行っているロンドン地下鉄を対象に,各種運賃の割引率やその設定論拠,実施による利用者便益や事業者収入の変化,社会的便益などについて事後評価報告書を中心にレビューすることで,運賃弾力化の効果や課題を明らかにし,我が国における運賃弾力化の検討への示唆を得ることを目的とする. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:24号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | A Study on the Flexible Fare System of Urban Railways -Case study of the London Underground- |
Keywords | Flexible fare system, Urban railways, London underground |
Authors | KANEKO, Yuichiro |
Abstract | The objective of this study is to investigate issues and necessary measures for introducing a flexible fare system into urban railways in Japan. Most important issue is how to improve the user benefit and company's profit by introducing this fare system, for example family discount fare, weekend fare and so on. The case of London underground, which is considered to be a pioneer in adopting such a system, is reviewed in this study in order to get useful insights for applying such system to Japanese urban railways. The case study demonstrated that the flexible fare system is effective in improving user's benefit and social benefit but it may result in a decrease in company's profit. This study therefore make a suggestion to introduce the flexible fare system in Japan together with some others support measures to provide incentives to operator, such as provision of public subsidy based on social benefit, not to cause any loss in company's profit. |
J-stage |