キーワード | 外航定期船,海運同盟,競争促進政策,競争性,市場支配力,Panzar-Rosse H統計量 |
著者 | Ph.D. 東京海洋大学海洋工学部助教授 遠藤伸明 |
概要 | 本稿は,外航定期船海運業における米国と欧州連合(EU)ならびに日本の競争促進政策の変遷と同政策導入後の企業行動の変化について考察するものである.外航定期船海運業では,海運同盟とよばれる国際カルテルが認められてきた.しかしながら,1980年代から,米国やEUを中心に,海運同盟に対して,政策の見直しが実施され,個別船社による独立の運賃設定を認めることを義務づけるなどの競争促進政策が導入されてきた.先行研究によれば,同盟船社間ならびに同盟船社・同盟に属していない船社(盟外船社)間の競争が激化し,海運同盟における市場支配力は低下する傾向にある.一方,同盟船社と盟外船社の双方を含む,新たな協調的な企業間関係の構築の試みも見られる.1986年から2002年までのわが国外航海運会社大手3社のパネルデータを対象とするPanzar-Rosse H統計量の計測から,これら大手3社は完全共謀(カルテル)的には行動しておらず,また,その市場支配力はそれほど大きくないと思われる.競争促進政策導入後において,競争がある程度機能している可能性がある. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:30号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Analysis of Competitive Nature of Liner Shipping Industry |
Keywords | liner-shipping, shipping conferences, competition promotion policy, competitive nature, Panzar-Rosse H statistic, market power |
Authors | ENDO, Nobuaki |
Abstract | This study analyzed competition promotion policy regarding shipping conferences in the U.S., EU and Japan, and subsequent changes in corporate behaviors. It also analyzed competitive nature of liner shipping industry by estimating Panzar-Rosse H statistic based on panel data of three major Japanese shipping companies between 1986 and 2002. The block exemption for price fixing and capacity regulation by shipping conferences has been granted. However, since early 1980s, the competition promotion policy has enabled each shipping company to set its own price freely, affecting price cartel significantly and leading to the decreased market power in shipping conferences. On the other hand, new cooperative firm relation has been formed between shipping conference members and independent operators. Panzar-Rosse H statistic indicates that the three major Japanese liner carriers do not behave as forming perfect collusion. This result is consistent with monopolistic competition. It seems that competition has been intensified following the introduction of competition promotion policy. |
J-stage |