キーワード | 駅前広場,交通計画,整備制度 |
著者 | 博士(工学) (財)日本自動車研究所総合研究部 前(財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所研究員 紀伊雅敦 |
概要 | 大都市における駅前は鉄道と道路の結節空間であると同時に,多くの人々が日常的に利用する都市空間でもある.しかし,駅前広場の整備水準は未だ十分ではなく,慢性的な交通混雑,都市空間としての魅力の欠如等の問題が指摘されている.これらを改善することは,安全性,快適性,利便性を高め,ひいては地域の魅力や生活の質を向上させる上で極めて重要である. しかし,駅前広場の不足量や,必要とされる改善方策は必ずしも明らかにされていない.本研究では,首都圏を対象に駅前の整備経緯をまとめ,その役割と課題を整理する.その上で,駅前広場の需要量と供給量よりその不足量を把握する.次にこれら広場の整備に関わる近年の技術・制度の変化を整理し,個別の駅を対象に,特性に応じた整備方策を検討する.最後に駅前広場の整備プロセスに関わる問題点をまとめ,制度改善の方向を検討する.これらにより,今後の駅前整備の方向を提案し,将来の検討に資することが本論文の目的である. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:24号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Current situation of station plaza and future direction |
Keywords | Station Plaza, Transport planning, Development system |
Authors | KII, Masanobu |
Abstract | Station fronts in metropolises are not only the connection nodes on the road and railway transportation networks but also urban open spaces used by many people. However their qualities are not satisfactory because of chronic traffic congestion, lack of amenities in public spaces, etc. Upgrading of these station plazas is important for improving people's safety, amenity, convenience as well as the quality of their life. Although these problems can be intuitively recognized, it has not been clarified yet, how many refinements and further developments are needed, or how they can be achieved practically. In this paper, firstly, we summarize the history of station plaza development in Tokyo metropolitan area, and clarify its role and problems. Secondly, the required development volume of station plaza is calculated from the traffic demand and current facilities level. Later, recent progress of technology and legal and administrative systems is explained, and effective development plans of specific stations are discussed considering those progresses. Finally, the problems in development process are summarized and future directions of development system are discussed. |
J-stage |