キーワード | 整備新幹線新規区間着工,JRへの貸付料,並行在来線,貨物調整金 |
著者 | 運輸法制研究家 楠木行雄 |
概要 | 整備新幹線建設の財源は,国費,地方費及び鉄道運輸機構財源であるが,法改正による措置を踏まえて,新規区間の着工方針の決定に際し,機構財源が既設新幹線売却収入からJRへの貸付料に切り替わる.しかし,約3兆円の建設費を賄うため,財源を細く長く使うので,建設期間が長期化し,批判が出ている.また,貸付料から拠出する貨物調整金に肥大化の恐れもある.そこで,並行在来線対策として貨物調整金が生まれた経緯を分析し,貸付料を減少させない方策を提案する.また,新しい建設財源を求める動きにも備えるため,貸付料の期間の延長,機構の財政的余裕の活用,貸付期間終了後の新幹線施設の売却など新しい財源対策を提案する. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:58号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Examination of Legal Problems on the Sustainability of the Funding for New Shinkansen Lines |
Keywords | New Shinkansen lines new routes groundbreaking, infrastructure fee to JR, parallel conventional railway lines, freight adjustment amount |
Authors | KUSUKI, Yukio |
Abstract | The infrastructure fee of New Shinkansen lines charged to JR companies is revenue for constructing new routes. However, since the fund is used for a long time in order to cover construction costs of about 3 trillion yen, the construction of new routes has to be delayed and there is growing criticism of this mechanism. Moreover, it is feared that the adjustment amount from freight may increases. This paper analyzes the circumstances where freight adjustment amount could be an option to generate funds to maintain parallel conventional railway lines. This paper also proposes new sources of funding, such as extension of the period of the infrastructure fee, practical use of the financial margin of Japan Railway Construction Agency and sale of the Shinkansen infrastructure after the end of a lease period. |
J-stage |