キーワード | 高速鉄道旅客輸送,DBAG,整備新幹線,財源方式,トランスヨーロピアンネットワーク |
著者 | 文博 (財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所研究員 アンドレア・オバーマウア |
概要 | 高速鉄道建設において,ドイツでは交通路整備に対する連邦の全面的な責任のもと,無利子貸付金及び補助金制度により整備期間の短縮が実現している.これに対し,日本では重要路線に関しては既に整備が終了したが,九州,四国そして北海道までの新幹線ネットワークの整備が遅れている.一つの理由は経済状況の悪化により財源確保が難しくなったことである.しかし日独における1km当たり建設費の差異を考慮すれば,日本における政府支出額は過少であると言える.道路に対する鉄道の環境優位性,また地域の経済発展への寄与という観点から,日本においても高速鉄道整備に関して政府が積極的な支援を行う必要がある. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:3号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Comparison of investment in high-speed railway construction and its finance in Japan and Germany |
Keywords | high-speed railway system, DBAG, New Shinkansen project, financial system, TEN |
Authors | Andrea OBERMAUER |
Abstract | In Germany, there have been built several high-speed railway lines in the short time since reunification under the federal government’s support, by providing subsidies or non-interest loans.In Japan, the main high-speed railway lines have been built earlier than in Germany and connect already the economic centers in the pacific coastal belt. However, the expansion of the Shinkansen network to the three islands Kyushu, Shikoku and Hokkaido is in danger to be delayed because of the recent economic crisis that makes the finance of new high-speed railway projects difficult. Therefore, a new finance system has been introduced in order to secure the continuation of investments into the high-speed railway construction. However, the budget has been reduced for 1998, and if this process continues, a further delay in construction could be caused. Since the connection to Shinkansen lines is of vital importance also for the economic development in the regions and for the protection of the environment, an active support of the improvement of the high-speed railway network by the government is also necessary in Japan. |
J-stage |