キーワード | 計量経済モデル,貨物・旅客輸送需要,短期需要見通し |
著者 | (財)運輸政策研究機構 運輸政策研究所主席研究員 小林良邦 |
概要 | 開発整備中の短期運輸経済予測モデルを用いて,98年度の経済・運輸需要を連動的に予測した.昨年5月頃から不況局面にあるわが国経済は,4月の経済対策の効果を織り込んで1.3%程度の成長になるとみられるが,公的投資を除く各需要項目は総じて低調に推移すると見込まれ本格的な経済回復には時間を要する.97年度のマイナス経済成長(実績見込み)のもとで低調であった貨物・旅客輸送需要は,98年度には総貨物輸送が増加に転じるなど多少の回復をみせよう.すなわち,総貨物輸送トンは97年度実績見込みの2.2%減から98年度は1.4%増の67.4億トンへ,総旅客輸送需要は同0.1%増から98年度は0.5%増の848億人程度となろう. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:1号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | A Short Term Forecast of the Freight and Passenger Transport Demands |
Keywords | econometrics model, freight and passenger transport demand, short term demand forecast |
Authors | Yoshikuni KOBAYASHI |
Abstract | The transport demands in Japan in fiscal year 1998 are forecasted using econometric model containing macro economic and transport sectors which is now in the way of development in the Institute of Transport Policy Studies. The Japanese economy, which has shown a declining phase since May of last year, will be seemed to grow by 1.3% in F.Y.1998 by the effect of countermeasures in April. And the transport demands in 98 will recover a little from inactive of previous year. Namely freight volume will grow by 1.4% to 6.74 billion tons and passenger will increase by 0.5%. It will be needed, however, more time to return to normal level because of the weakness of whole economic demands of private enterprise and household. |
J-stage |