キーワード | 鉄道,民営化,トランスログ費用関数,密度の経済性,範囲の経済性 |
著者 | 経博 青山学院大学経済学部助教授 須田昌弥 経博 京都大学大学院経済学研究科助教授 依田高典 |
概要 | 国鉄民営化後のJR旅客6社の新幹線・在来線の費用関数の構造について,トランスログ費用関数を用いて推計を試みた.その結果,新幹線・在来線ともに密度の経済性は認められるものの,JR本州3社においては,新幹線と在来線の間における範囲の経済性の存在を明らかにすることはできなかった.本州3社と三島会社の間の密度の経済性に起因する費用格差は大きく,また本州3社内・三島会社内の格差も無視できない.これらの推計結果をもとに,その政策的帰結についても言及する. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:24号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | The Economies of Density and Scope and the Regional Gap of the Japan Railway after the Privatization |
Keywords | railway, privatization, trans-log cost function, density economies, scope economies |
Authors | SUDA, Masaya IDA, Takanori |
Abstract | It is said that the privatization of the Japanese National Railway is a success since the management, productivity, and service have improved. However, as expected, the gap of both management and productivity tends to widen between the larger mainisland JRs and the smaller three-island JRs. This paper will estimate the cost structure of the six JRs after the privatization. The main points we will make are as follows: first, the economies of density exist in both the incumbent railway service and the Shinkansen service; second, there is no conclusive evidence to show that the economies of scope exist between them; third, the cost gap between the main-island JRs and the three-island JRs is large; and fourth, the cost gaps within them are also large. |
J-stage |