キーワード | JR完全民営化,株式上場,経営安定基金,株式上場基準,特殊な上場方式 |
著者 | 運輸法制研究家 楠木行雄 |
概要 | 特殊会社であるJR4社が経営自立計画を策定した.JR九州の経営が好転し,株式上場の準備に入っている.しかし,完全民営化の実現のため特殊な存在である経営安定基金等をなくした場合の通常方式の試算では,同社の上場基準の達成は容易ではない.他の3社は,通常の上場方式では完全民営化は超長期的な課題になってしまう可能性が高い.一方,最近は上場基準が緩和され,企業の成長を前提とせず安定的な経営であればよくなった.政府の助成を維持している特殊な事例もある.そこで,通常の方式による上場ではなく,JR4社の特殊な要素を維持し,とりあえず上場する特殊な方式の可能性について制度的に検討する. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:62号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Examining Institutional Problems about Complete Privatization of Four Non-Listed JR Companies |
Keywords | railway privatization, Initial Public Offering(IPO), management stabilization fund, standards for IPO, special system for IPO |
Authors | KUSUKI, Yukio |
Abstract | Among four JR companies which are yet-to-be listed on the stock exchange, JR Kyushu has started preparation for getting listed. However, in the absence of management stabilization fund, it is estimated that it would not be easy for the company to attain self-sustaining accounting figures. For other three JR companies, it is likely that the privatization through usual process of listing would involve even more longer term issues. On the other hand, as the initial listing requirement is eased recently, the goal of complete privatization is attainable if the growth of the company remains healthy under stable management. In this article, instead of the standard process of listing, the possibility of tentative listing with specific institutional arrangement maintaining the special characteristics of four JR companies is examined. |
J-stage |