


キーワード インターモーダル,ロジスティクス,政策,国際輸送,EU,アメリカ,日本
著者 (財)運輸政策研究機構運輸政策研究所招聘研究員
ブックハード E. ホーン
概要 効率的で環境にやさしい物流の実現のために,インターモーダル輸送が政策課題として着目され始めている.しかし,各国,各地域の政策目的,手段は異なっている.本稿では,EU,アメリカ,日本のインターモーダル・ロジスティクス政策を比較,分析する.
掲載記事PDF 冊子版:27号


Title Intermodal Logistics Policies in the EU,the U.S. and Japan
Keywords intermodal, logistics, policy, international, EU, US, Japan
Authors Burkhard E. Horn
NEMOTO, Toshinori
Abstract Intermodal freight transport is increasing globally and is a key policy challenge worldwide. However, national and regional policy settings and approaches differ. This investigation focuses on the European Union, the United States and Japan.
Intermodal logistics must pursue a dual systems strategy optimizing the supply chain and linkages between partner companies, and optimizing the use of the multi-modal transport system to respond to economic criteria, environmental concerns and growing highway congestion. Starting with the definition of intermodal freight logistics in terms of seamless door-to-door operations using successively at least two different modes - road, rail, waterway/sea or air -, the study sets the scene by summarising modal and intermodal freight shares in the EU, U.S. and Japan. It identifies the commonalities and differences in policy goals and measures and analyses EU, US and Japanese programmes. Three special initiatives - EU's Marco Polo Program and the US policies on Intermodal Connectors and Intelligent Intermodal Freight Systems - are assessed as are the Japanese targeted policy actions on city, regional and international logistics. Emphasis is on what can be learnt from the practices and experiences in the three regions.