キーワード | 関西3空港問題,関空伊丹法,PFI,関西広域連合 |
著者 | 運輸法制研究家 楠木行雄 |
概要 | 関西3空港問題は,関空伊丹法が国会で成立したことで,解決に向けて動き出した.しかし,この法律は,2空港を経営統合し,これにより関空の経営を改善して本来の機能を発揮させようとするものであるが,航空需要の拡大がないと,関西3空港問題をどこまで解決できるかは不確定要素が多い.3空港問題は,まず同法が予定するPFI事業者による2空港の運営が順調に動いてからのちの段階の問題であり,その段階まで見通して考察する必要がある.その場合,3空港の最大活用のための統一的運営を目指した神戸空港の統合には法制的難問が多い.関西広域連合による実施についても同様である.これらの経緯を追い,法制的に分析し,問題点を指摘する. |
掲載記事PDF | 冊子版:56号 |
J-stage掲載記事 |
Title | Examination of Legislative Issues on the Integrated Management of Three Airports in Kansai |
Keywords | problems of three airports in Kansai, integration law for two airports in Kansai, PFI, Union of Kansai Governments |
Authors | KUSUKI, Yukio |
Abstract | Following the approval of a law by the Diet to integrate two airports(Kansai and Itami),an issue of integrating three airports (including Kobe)in Kansai has been advanced towards a solution. The aim of the law is improvement of the Kansai International Airport’s performance, and fulfilling its expected role through the integration of the two airports. However, there is concern that the issue of integrating three airports cannot be solved if demand is not expanded significantly. It is therefore important, in the first stage, to review the impacts of the law that relies on PFI scheme to integrate two airports. Possible integration of three airports should be considered only in the next stage. Further, there may be many legal complications to include Kobe airport as the goal of such integration is to optimize the utilization of three airports in Kansai. As for execution by Union of Kansai Governments, it is similar. Under such circumstances, this paper points out key issues through legislative analysis. |
J-stage |