Research Study on the Future of Railways Supporting the Tokyo Metropolitan Area II

  • Railways and Railway and Area Development

Outine of Reasearch

We will conduct surveys and research on issues related to railroads and related urban development in the Tokyo metropolitan area, based on future population and railroad demand based on the national census and other data, and new social trends. We will also analyze the background and causes of risks that have emerged in urban railroad PPP projects in Asia, and clarify the state of railroad business in Japan and overseas from a long-term perspective.

Establishment of a study group (Chair: Shigeru Morichi, Director, Center for Policy Studies, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)

Research themes

  • * Examining the impact of population trends in the Tokyo metropolitan area on the management of railroad companies
  • * Examining the sustainable growth of railroad businesses and regions by improving the attractiveness of rail lines in suburban areas
  • * Study of integrated development for expanding station functions in central Tokyo and revitalizing areas around stations
  • * Examining how railroad companies should respond to innovations in the field of mobile services.
  • * Overseas Development by Railway Companies

Report, Paper, Publication, etc.