Research on Railway development and Railway and Area Development

  • Railways and Railway and Area Development

Outine of Reasearch

The urban areas in the ASEAN and India regions are facing serious traffic congestion and environmental pollution problems due to overcrowding and a sharp increase in population as a result of rapid economic growth. As a result, the healthy development of cities, including the improvement of living and residential environments, is being hindered. The Railway development and Railway and Area Development is a typical area where Japan can offer its expertise to solve the problems of urban areas in the ASEAN-India region.
JTTRI has started a study group for this purpose, chaired by Dr. Shigeru Morichi, Director of the Center for Policy Studies at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), and with the cooperation of a wide range of experts and concerned parties, with the aim of collecting and organizing experience and knowledge from around the world, including Japan, and making effective proposals tailored to local conditions.

Report, Paper, Publication, etc.