“Investigating the benefits of implementing logistics and supply chain resilience strategies: Perspective from Japanese manufacturing companies”

  • Colloquium
  • Logistics

The 155th Transport Policy Colloquium


Date / Time Tue, Jun 20,2023 13:00~15:20
Venue Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute (JTTRI) 2F (Zoom Online Webinar is also available (with English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation))
Event Number The 155th
Theme 【Lecture】
 ”Meaning of resilience in supply chains in Japanese companies”
   KAINUMA Yasutaka, Ph.D.
   President, Japan Industrial Management Association
   Former Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University

 ”Investigating the benefits of implementing logistics and supply chain resilience strategies:
  Perspective from Japanese manufacturing companies”
   Rajali MAHARJAN, Ph.D.
   Research Fellow, Japan Transport and Tourism Research Institute (JTTRI)

   SUZUKI Sadami, Doctor of Engineering,
   Professor of Graduate School of International Social Sciences, Yokohama National University

【Panel discussion and Q&A】
   Moderator  :YAMAUCHI Hirotaka, President for Research, JTTRI
   Participants  :Lecturer, Reporter and Commentator

【Wrap-up and review】
   YAMAUCHI Hirotaka, President for Research, JTTRI

Event Summary

 We have experienced the situation in which resilience in logistics and supply chain is an important issue, as a result of the global and wide effects of COVID-19 pandemic on logistics etc. Against that background, this research studied the effects of both the status of implementation of resilience strategies and the pandemic on performances and of companies as well as the activities of logistics and supply chain with a focus on Japan’s manufacturing companies in four major industry sectors. This colloquium, based on the result of the research, analyzes whether the implementation of resilience strategy before or during the pandemic bring benefits to the companies or not, and the topics of discussion includes the meaning of resilience strategy and the measures to promote such strategies.

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